The busy life plus three: Keeping it clean with HEFTY Ultra Strong

Friday, October 7, 2016

Keeping it clean with HEFTY Ultra Strong

If you are anything like me you know kids and their dirty mess drive us moms CRAZY. When it comes to cleaning the kitchen I absolutely hate doing it. If there is anything about motherhood that I constantly dread is poopy diapers and cleaning my kitchen once the kids are done eating. I don't think anyone knows what I mean until you share a kitchen table with my youngest. That child will make sure all the food hits the kitchen floors, walls, and the glass table before it gets to his mouth. And no I promise I am not exaggerating. He's at the age where he wants to feed himself with no help, does not matter if he cannot hold his spoon or fork correctly because he does not mind dropping all his food. With all this chaos I am grateful to have a product like Hefty that brings some strength to my tough days. It's like having John Cena here being my helper when carrying out the trash, his strength sure could be needed in my household everyday. But if anything, I can count on Hefty when cleaning up and throwing away all the plastic plates with the remaining uneaten food that the kids might have left, for example the excessive ketchup always left behind. Along with all the juice boxes, bulky boxes after shopping at Costco, empty food jars and cans. Their exceptional performance  makes my cleaning so much easier. 

 I can count on the active tear resistant technology for superior strength because I am guilty of letting my trashcan overflow to the top just like the dishes pile up in my sink (GUILTY). I don't have to worry about the bag tearing when its filled up, even on the days that it's super heavy the drawstrings don't break because of their resistant grip. And I cannot forget my mornings followed after our breakfast, when baby Luke lets that diaper bomb explode with the most disgusting smelly diaper you can imagine. 

YES this is the ugly truth of motherhood! 

But this is when these trash bags come to my rescue big time! Not only does it keep trash in but it keeps the smell in too! Hefty Ultra Strong Kitchen trash bags have Arm & Hammer patented odor neutralizer. Meaning no stinking up my garage or outside trash bins while we wait for trash pick up days.

These trash bags are already at a great new price compared to other brands, but to make it even better I am sharing a $1 off coupon with you guys! Trust me these bags get the job done, I have now found the right brand and a product I can rely on without a doubt. 


  1. These are seriously the best trash bags! This is what we use in our home. And I totally buy the deodorized ones - dog, cat, and toddler mama here! Yes please!!! haha

  2. We don't use any other brand! They're the best!

  3. How are we not using these? I need to make a change quick! Thanks for sharing!
